OnLine Forms

OnLine Forms

Thanks for visiting our on-line forms section. You will find various types of Forms that are available for you to fill in while you are on-line and send it electronically. You do not have to print them unless you so choose. Please make sure you fill in all the required information in each of the form. These forms are designed to be routed to the appropriate person after you click on the “Submit” button.If you are sponsoring a Puja for a particular day or particular time, please check on our On-Line Calendar first to ensure that no other devotee has already signed up for that day or time. If you are filling in a Youth Club Membership form, please be advised that you provide the transportation to and from the Temple in order for your child to participate in the Youth Club activities. Should you encounter any problem pertaining to the Forms, please send an email to . Please make a selection below of the forms that you need and click on that link.

Your suggestions/comments are always welcome.....Jagdish Sharma

yarrowUse this form if you want to be an HTA Volunteer

yarrowUse this Form for Puja/Prasad Sponsorship (Confirm day availability from calendar)

yarrowUse this Form if you want your child to be a member of the HTA Youth Club                 (Please use separate forms for each child)

yarrow Special Puja and or Special Service(s)/ Event Sponsorship Form

yarrow ACH Form (download in pdf format) new2


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